Tracking is super simple since all sellers are required to provide a tracking number and the shipping provider they used.
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Where can I find the tracking information for my order?
Why isn't my order confirmed yet?
What do I do if my order hasn’t shipped yet, or my delivery is late?
Where can I find the tracking information for my order?
Once your item has shipped, you’ll receive an email with a link to track your package. Follow its link to stay up to date on the delivery status.
To find your tracking information, log in to your Back Market account > "Orders". Scroll down to the order you're looking to track and select "Show more details".
When will my order ship?
All orders ship within 1 business day, but depending on what time you place your order, it may ship even sooner.
A few things to consider:
- Our sellers only ship on business days (no weekends or holidays).
- Orders placed after 1 PM will be shipped out the next business day.
- If your order contains a large device (e.g. TV), it’ll ship within 2 business days.
Why isn't my order confirmed yet?
This could be due to any of these reasons:
- The confirmation email may be in your spam folder, so take a look there.
- Your bank hasn’t finished processing your order. If your bank declines your purchase, you’ll receive an email from Back Market indicating the reason for the decline and the actions needed.
- If you don’t receive an email from Back Market within 30 minutes, reach out to your bank to confirm the transaction was approved; if it wasn’t, try placing your order again.
What do I do if my order hasn’t shipped yet, or my delivery is late?
If the item hasn’t shipped after 1 business day following the confirmation, or if you need to contact us for any other reason regarding the order, just log in to your Back Market account > "Orders" > "Get help".
Missing packages:
If your package has been misplaced by the shipping provider, stolen, or given to the wrong person, we’re here to help. Learn more about missing packages
Still need help? Contact us directly from your customer account