If you're having issues with your microphone, try these tips from our in-house tech experts for safely cleaning this part of your device.
Use a toothbrush
With an unused, soft-bristled toothbrush, dip the tip of the bristles into a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol and gently brush any dirt or debris out of your speakers.
Use painter’s tape
Painter’s tape is a type of blue tape that’s made for creating boundaries when painting walls, but it can serve many purposes. Its pressure-sensitive adhesive makes it a great option for cleaning your speakers. Here's how:
- Cut a small piece of tape and roll it into a cylinder shape with the sticky side facing out — the diameter should be about as big as the width of your index finger.
- Slip it over your finger and then press it onto your device’s speaker to remove any dirt or debris that may be stuck inside.
- Check the tape — if you see traces of lint or grime, roll another piece of tape and repeat the process until clean.