If the appearance of your device doesn't meet your expectations, make sure to confirm which condition you ordered and compare it to the descriptions found on the item's product details page.
Remember that the conditions listed on our product details pages only refer to the item's appearance. This is because all technical conditions are the same – regardless of whether you're ordering a Fair, Good, Excellent, or Premium device. On the inside, each one is in perfect working order.
The sellers on our marketplace carry out thorough technical checks to ensure your device is tested and restored to full working order. This includes testing the battery to confirm it reaches at least 80% of its initial charge capacity, which is above market standard.
Without further ado, let's discuss appearance.
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Back Market condition descriptions
The appearance of my device doesn't match its description
Back Market condition descriptions
Appearance: A flawless screen and body that show no signs of use. 100% genuine manufacturer parts and battery.
Appearance: Hardly any signs of wear. The body may have very light micro-scratches, invisible at a distance of 20 centimetres (a bit longer than a standard-sized pencil) or more. For devices with screens, there aren't any scratches.
Appearance: Light signs of wear. The body may have light micro-scratches, invisible at a distance of 50 centimetres (about an arm’s length) or more. For devices with screens, there aren't any scratches.
Appearance: Signs of wear and tear. The body may have a few visible scratches and dents that don’t affect performance. Devices with screens may have light scratches that are slightly visible when the device is switched on.
The appearance of my device doesn't match its description
If your device doesn't match its description, open a service request via your customer account. Log in to your account > “Orders” > “Get help”.
For the quickest turnaround time, upload photos of the device from various angles. We'll respond within 1 working day with the next steps.
Don't forget that orders received in the last 30 days are eligible for free returns. Alternatively, if there's a discrepancy in appearance, we're more than willing to provide compensation to put things right.