Promo codes, vouchers, gift cards, and referral codes, are all different types of special codes that you can apply to your cart for a discount on your order.
Please remember that these are given only through Back Market and our partners. Be careful not to trust any codes you find floating around online.
If you have a specific question, check out our dedicated page for each offer:
How to use a discount code?
At the payment step, you’ll find a field where you can enter your promo code. Hit “Check this code”. If your code is valid, the confirmation message on the screen will tell you how much of a reduction is applied.
Under “Your order” on the right side, you should see the word “Promotion” in green along with the reduced amount.
How is the promotion applied?
Please note, any discounts and promo codes will apply to the cost of a device before tax and won't be applied to:
- Coverage plans
- Additional shipping costs
- Back Market service fee
What if my promo code has a higher value than my order?
The price of your order needs to be more than the promo code amount. If not, any extra value from your promo code will be lost. Consider adding a refurbished accessory to your order.
I forgot to add my promo code on an order I placed
Unfortunately, codes can’t be retroactively used for an order that you’ve already placed. Keep it and use it before it expires!
My code isn’t working
There could be various reasons for this. Check out this article to figure out what’s going on
I used a promo code but my order was canceled/refunded
Since the promo code is made for one-time use on Back Market, we’ll need to generate a new one for you. Check out our article on refunded orders purchased with a promo code