Our sellers move fast and use an automatic shipping process, so once an order is placed, they’re usually already working to get it shipped. In most cases, the best thing to do is cancel your order and then place another order with the correct address. Unfortunately, our agents can’t make this change, so there is no need to reach out to them.
You could also try to reach out to the shipping provider (i.e. FedEx, UPS, USPS) handling your shipment. If they’re unable to help here is how to go about canceling, depending on the status of your order:
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My order hasn't been validated by the seller
My order has already been validated by the seller
Reach out to your shipping provider
I’m having trouble verifying the address I entered
I’m having trouble entering my address
My order hasn't been validated by the seller
You can tell the seller hasn’t validated your item if its status is "Preparing your order" in your Back Market account.
To check, log in to your Back Market account > “Orders”.
If your order hasn’t been validated, find the order you want to cancel and select the “Ask for help” button next to it, then "Cancel order.”
Once cancellation is confirmed, simply order again with the correct address.
My order has already been shipped by the seller
You can tell your order has already been shipped by the seller if its status is “Shipped”.
To check, just log in to your Back Market account > “Orders”. If your order has been shipped, you’ll need to contact your shipping provider to request an address change. This will be the best option for you since it's too late to cancel your order.
Reach out to your shipping provider
During the delivery process, your shipping provider might be able to help out with a small address change, like adding in an apartment number or correcting a zip code.
How to contact our shipping partners:
FedEx - 1.800.463.3339
UPS - 1.800.742.5877
(Or use your UPS MyChoice account to make changes.)
USPS - 1.800.275.8777
I’m having trouble verifying the address I entered
You can check which address is entered by logging in to your account > “Profile”.
I’m having trouble entering my address
As you type in your address, you may see two drop-down menus appear to complete it automatically. Either type your address manually or use the address from the longer drop-down menu to avoid getting the error message below. Don't forget, always double-check that you've selected the correct address if you're using auto-fill.
Signature requirements
Note that occasionally a signature is required for deliveries. This safeguards your purchase and ensures that the item is successfully delivered to you.