Our sellers move quickly and use an automatic shipping process, so once an order is placed, they usually work to get it shipped immediately. Unfortunately, Back Market Customer Care can’t make this change, so there is no need to contact them. We recommend contacting the carrier handling your shipment as soon as the order has been shipped.
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I’m having trouble verifying the address I entered
I’m having trouble entering my address
Reach out to your carrier
During the delivery process, your carrier may be able to help out with a small address change, like adding in a flat number or correcting a postcode. Here is the contact information for the carriers that Back Market uses:
DPD: 44.01212750500
DHL: SameDay_Info@dhl.com or 0808-234-2907
Royal Mail: 44.03456113425
Some carriers will directly send a text message to make changes.
I’m having trouble verifying the address I entered
You can check the address entered by logging in to your account > “Profile”.
I’m having trouble entering my address
As you type in your address, you may see two drop-down menus appear to complete it automatically. Please either type your address manually or use the address from the longer drop-down menu to avoid getting the error message below. Don't forget, always double-check that you've selected the correct address if you're using auto-fill.
Signature requirements
Please note that in most cases, a signature is required for deliveries. This safeguards your purchase and ensures the item is delivered successfully.